How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy
How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy
After getting Poison Ivy countless times, it is something that people have learned how to control. The first few times you get Poison Ivy, the rash spreads across the ENTIRE body, and you should never let that happen again.
The first thing you should do if you come in contact with Poison Ivy is to wash the skin where it may have been exposed. Take caution with the clothing that you were wearing as it could spread from those items to you. Take care of these steps as soon as possible. You have about 10-15 minutes before it becomes nearly impossible to wash off with soap and water.
If the poison ivy spreads (and trust me you will know if it does), avoid scratching at all costs. It spreads incredibly fast! Visit a doctor if the rash becomes worse, as they can provide you with prescription medication to help the healing process.
Personal success for fighting off this horrible rash has come with using the product Tecnu Extreme. It is a soapy lotion that you use with water to scrub the infected areas. It dries up and kills the infected areas. It is the best product that I have used and would strongly recommend it to anyone who has poison ivy or poison oak. It can be picked up at any store that carries medication such as CVS or a local grocery store.
Good luck, and remember DON’T SCRATCH!
How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy
Reviewed by GKE
April 25, 2019

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