Dehydration: When You Don’t Drink Enough Water
Dehydration: When You Don’t Drink Enough Water
Since the weather is finally nice and hot, it’s very important to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration occurs when you do not have an adequate amount of water in your body to carry out normal bodily functions.
Dehydration is a very serious disease. Young children and those over the age of 60 have the highest susceptibility for dehydration and heat stroke.
Dehydration is caused when water does not replace the fluids lost through sweat, tears, urine, and stool. It can be caused by overexposure to the sun and heat as well as from sicknesses such as fevers, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Symptoms of dehydration may include but are not limited to:
- thirst
- less urination
- dry skin
- fatigue
- dizziness
- confusion
- dry mouth
- increased heart rate and breathing
If you are having one or more of these symptoms, it is likely due to a lack of fluids. Rehydrating yourself is the first important step to recovering. Drink enough water and/or beverages such as sports drinks which will replace electrolytes and salts as well.
In cases of serious dehydration, medical professionals should be contacted immediately. Dehydration is a very serious matter.
The easiest ways to prevent dehydration and heat stroke are by drinking plenty of liquids and by avoiding hot environments for extended periods of time.
Dehydration: When You Don’t Drink Enough Water
Reviewed by GKE
April 22, 2019

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